BISS RUBIS Aust Ch Ujamaa Pure Blonde (AI)
Blondie is the daughter of BISS Am Ch Ch Redawgs Christofel O'CopperRidge, SC, HIC (#2 RR in the US in 2007) and Ujamaa Makybe Diva (Kaya). Shown rarely, she was very sweet natured, soundly built and awarded for her balance and movement. We lost her far too young, still missed
She was seldom overlooked by breed Specialists and has taken out:
Runner up Best in Group at a major Melbourne Show under Patrice Johansen
BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW under breed Specialist Dawn Redman 2011
Best Ridgeback at the 2012 Royal Melbourne Show
Reserve Bitch, Australian Bred in Show and Best Gaited bitch at the 2012 RRCV Open Show under Di Stratton
Runner up BEST IN SHOW at the 2013 Australia Day International Show under under breed Specialist Mr F Arniella from Puerto Rico. This is one of the largest shows of the year.
Runner up BEST IN SHOW Specialty show at the 2013 RRCV Specialty. Judge was breed specialist Petra Starke from Germany